Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mother's Day Story

Mother's Day Story

The story of Mothers Day is a long one. It is neither a recent phenomenon as many people believe it to be. Nor it is the creation of card and gift marketers syndicate as assumed by cynics of Mothers Day festival. To the surprise of lot many people Mothers Day celebrations are first said to have taken place in the time of ancient Greeks and Romans hundreds of years ago. Even Mothers Day celebrations in UK began much before the tradition saw the light of the day in US. In US the efforts of Ms Julia Ward Howe and Ms Anna Jarvis are greatly recognised for starting the tradition of Mothers Day but several other women too made remarkable contribution to further the cause of Mothers Day holiday. Today Mothers Day is celebrated in more than 46 countries around the world though at different times in the month of May and in some countries it is celebrated in entirely different times of the year. In the present time Mothers Day has come to be internationally recognized as the day to honor all mothers and thank them for the services they impart for the benefit of their individual child and consequently to the development of mankind. Please read on and click on the links to know more about the related Mothers Day stories.

Mothers Day Facts

Mothers' day, as we are all aware of, is one of the largest card-selling holidays celebrated worldwide. It is one day, when children express to their mom as to how special and precious she is for them. It's interesting to learn about some mothers day facts. These facts about mother's day will not only enable you to gain some knowledge, but also will astonish you. Read further to explore interesting facts about mothers…

Enjoy the Mothers day trivia

1-There are some Assamese tribal groups, based in Africa, who prefer calling themselves by the name "motherhoods", or "maharis", rather than families.

2-The Chinese family names usually start with signs associated with motherhood.

3-The trend of celebrating mother's day can be attributed to the ancient Greeks, who celebrated this holiday in the spring season to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods.

4-About 500 years ago, there was a prophetess named mother Shipton, who had predicted that queen Elizabeth would be the next to sit on the throne.

5-The meaning of Greek word "meter" and the Sanskrit word "mantra" is both mother and measurement.
6-In the catalog of popular children entertainment, books by Mother Goose are on the top hot list.
7-Ancient Egyptians always had a belief that "Bast" was the mother of all cats on Earth.

A poem for mothers's day

who sat and watched my infant head
while sleeping on my cradle bed
and tears of sweet affection shed?"

"my mother"

"When fears and sickness made me cry
who gazed upon my heavy eyes and wept
for fear that I should die?"

"My mother"

"who watched me all my growing years
and prayed and smiled and was always there
and helped me through my difficulties?"
"My mother"

another poem:

Mom's smiles can brighten any moment,
Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
Mom's love will stay with us foreverand touch our lives in precious ways...

The values you've taught,the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
have enriched my lifein more ways than I can count.

I Love you Mom!

or maybe this one I WISH I COULD TELL YOU,

MOMI wish I could tell you,

Momhow much you mean to me....

But there are no words to sayhow much I admire you...
how much I appreciate you...

how much I thank youfor everything you've doneand heres one more MOTHERMother You filled my days with rainbow lights,fairytales and sweet dream nights,A kiss to wipe away my tears,Gingerbread to ease my fears.You gave the gift of life to me,And then in love, you set me free.I thank you for your tender care,for deep warm hugs and being there.I hope that when you think of me,A part of you, you'll always see .... hope you like one

note: to see more poems click here:

What is a Mother?

A Mother has so many things to do,From washing, ironing, cleaning to tying a shoe.She scrubs, she mends, she cooks and sews,She bathes the children and washes their clothes.When they forget to wash their faces clean,And their clothes are the muddiest you've ever seen,Who repairs the clothes and scrubs them like new?Of course, that is what a Mother will do.Who becomes the doctor or the nurse when they are ill,Applying a bandage or giving them a pill?Who becomes a teacher when a child has homework?She must never her duty shirk.Who becomes a detective to find a toy or a book?For missing things she must look and look?Who becomes a listner to every heartache,To every accompolishment that a child makes?Who scolds their children when they are naughty,Or remind them of God when they are to haughty?Who tends her family with love and patience, too?Of course that is what a Mother will do.
for more information click here: